Features of the Varroa Controller
Main Benefits of the Varroa Controller
No Mite Resistance
As this is a short & targeted treatment, the mite is not able to build resistance.
Clean Honey & Wax
No need to worry about chemical build up tainting your products.
Flexible Treatment Time
Frequency and timing not as restricted as with other options.
Safe for the Bees
No queen loss, weakening of colony or compromised drone fertility.
No Missed Nectar Flows
And no need to find storage for supers during treatments.
A one-off investment rather than recurring expenses.
Our Beekeeping Journey
We started beekeeping by chance, but then it very quickly became our full-time occupation.
Hello, we are Sven & Ana
Our beekeeping journey began with rescuing bee colonies from tricky spots. In just three months, we had 34 colonies producing honey, and Amber Drop Honey was born.
We've been dedicated to creating pure, chemical-free honey for the past nine years.
Instead of relying on standard Varroa treatments that didn’t fit our values, we sought out better, natural solutions to keep our bees healthy and our honey pristine. And that is how this new venture began.
So, how does the controller work?
The Varroa Controller is a device for the heat treatment of the capped bee brood, with a proven treatment of 97%.
Considering that 80% of the mites are located in the brood, this substantially reduces the Varroa numbers in a colony.
The principle of heat treatment with the Varroa Controller is based on the different heat resistances of bee brood and Varroa mites.
The capped brood frames (after brushing all adult bees) are hung into the device and heated to a temperature that is lethal to the mite while the pupae develop unharmed.
At the same time, the device automatically ensures the correct humidification and ventilation.
Unlike other hyperthermia treatments, it doesn’t treat the whole colony, which is inefficient and causes unnecessary stress for the bees trying to keep the temperature down.
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Loved by Beekeepers in Europe
The Varroa Controller Handbook
This e-book explains the controller's concept and why it is so effective yet safe for the bees. Although it is written for European beekeepers, it does provide a lot of applicable and translatable information to Australian conditions.
Feel free to download it if you are looking for more information.